
Weekly Homeschool Roundup - 11/22/19

We’re on the final stretch of our first semester studies.

It’s hard to believe my youngest is halfway through his first year of high school.

Not to sound cliche, but time is going by so quickly - I made an Instagram post about that very thing yesterday. (I hope this encourages all of the mamas out there!)

As I drove endless trips to the local Christian school for basketball, helped with difficult math problems, and edited a paper about Franklin Roosevelt, I was reminded these things are my JOY and calling right now. Sometimes all of the day to day doesn’t feel like a joy - but our attitude can make all the difference.

Weekly #Homeschool Roundup at Homegrown Learners

Enjoy the findings for this week - I hope you can find at least one thing that is of use to you!

  • When Less Becomes More

    This book, by Emily Ley, truly spoke to my heart. (In fact, it motivated me to stop using my personal Facebook until 2020.) I listened to the audio - which was only three hours. It was just the check I needed right now, and I know it will be encouraging to so many of you as well.

    And, if you’re wondering when I get the time to read so much… I listen to A LOT of audiobooks. Between folding laundry, taking showers, and driving this week, this book took no time at all!

  • Equal Opportunity Players

    This article is interesting to me. Because my son plays sports we are always on the lookout for opportunities in a school setting. Our state did not pass the Tim Tebow Bill , so we play at a local Christian school. The topic is of interest to me, though, and the above article was great.

  • It’s Time to Blow Up The Public School System

It’s been a long time since the concept of the public school was invented and a long time since school became compulsory. The world has changed a lot since then.

It’s at least worth asking if school should have changed, too.

  • Screen Time: 3 Reasons Why Your Daughter Can’t Stop

    This free video series is excellent. Because I have an 18 year old daughter, I know what a hold devices can have on our girls, and how destructive screen time can be to their healthy emotional development. This series is a good resources for parents of girls.

I hope each of you has a wonderful Thanksgiving. I’m thankful for this community of homeschoolers!

We’re headed to the North Carolina mountains to spend the holiday with family. I’m looking forward to a few days away - largely unplugged!

As always, let me know if you’ve found anything interesting this week!!

Weekly #Homeschool Roundup