
God's Promises for Boys Giveaway


Each night before bed, just before prayers, I have been reading a very sweet little book to my son.

This book tucks God's promises in his head before he goes to sleep.    

He lays so quietly and listens as I read just a tiny bit each evening.   It has come to be my favorite time of the day.

Thomas Nelson Publishing has been blessing our family with books for over a year now.    It is a pleasure to be one of the Top Tommy Nelson Mommies.  

Our latest resource is God's Promises for Boys

About the book:

There are 7 short sections to the book:

  •  God's Promises When...
  • God's Promises About...
  • God Wants You To...
  • God's Promises of Help When...
  • God's Promises about Making a Difference
  • God's Promises about Jesus
  • God's Promises for You


Each section is packed full of Bible verses just for your little boy.  The verses are taken from the International Children's Bible.

 My son is 8 and it is perfect for him.  I imagine a little one as young as 4 could also benefit.


Our Thoughts:

Having this "bite-size" resource for my son is perfect.   The passages are short, sweet, and easy to digest at night before he goes to bed.  

It stays on his dresser, where I can easily refer to it at the end of our day.


I can choose a section that is perfect for what has been going on in our day.  For example, last week one day we were talking a lot about being "mighty" and how little boys should serve their families.    At bedtime I opened up God's Promises for Boys and turned to the  "God Needs Boys" section.   

I read Grant this verse:

Then I said, "But Lord God, I don't know how to speak.  I am only a boy."  But the Lord said to me, "Don't say, 'I am only a boy.' You must go everywhere that I send you.  You must say everything I tell you to say.  Don't be afriad of anyone, because I am with you.  I will protect you," says the Lord.  Then the Lord reached out with his hadn and touched my mouth.  He said to me, "See, I am putting my words in your mouth.  Today I have put you in charge of nations and kingdoms.  You will pull up and tear down, destroy and overthrow.  You will build up and plant."  ~ Jeremiah 1: 6-10

There is no greater gift than sharing God's promises with your children.

God's Promises for Boys helps me do just that.

I'm pleased to be able to give away one copy of this book to a reader.  

There are two ways to enter:

  1. Leave me a comment and tell me how you impart God's word to your little boy.
  2. Subscribe to Homegrown Learners so you don't miss any great resources from Tommy Nelson I post about!  Leave me a comment telling me you subscribed (don't forget to confirm your subscription after an email is sent to you!)

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This giveaway will be open until January 31, 2013 at midnight.

*I was provided a copy of this resource for review from Tommy Nelson Publishers as part of the Tommy Mommy program.  No compensation was received.  The review is my honest opinion.