Welcome to Week 2 of the iHomeschool Network's 10 in 10 blog hop! Last week I shared my Top Ten Sites for Homeschooling. This week I have photo collages for you of my favorite homeschool items. (You know how much I love collages, don't you?)
2. Crayola Twistable Crayons: these make notebooking and coloring fun... I just love the soft look of crayons, don't you?
3. Library Card: 'nuff said!
4. LEGO bricks: used to keep little hands busy during read-alouds and SO much more!
5. Jet Fuel coffee: One cup a day to start me off is a must have!
6. My laptop - a MacBook Air: We are an all Mac house, and my laptop is the ultimate tool for productivity.
7. The Child Training Bible: You need to find out about this Bible if you haven't already heard.
8. Maps: We have maps all over our home, but This Land is Your Land Map
9. ROKU: This internet streaming device is how we view Netflix and Amazon Instant on our television, among other things. Since we don't have cable or satellite, this is what we use to watch movies and documentaries.
Finally, my #10 must have item for homeschooling is this: a big basket (or in our house, multiple baskets) of games. We have recently added some IKEA Expedit shelves to our family room, with baskets for games. Having these visible reminds me to ENJOY OUR HOMESCHOOL more by playing games. It also makes the games available when the kids have friends over - there's been a lot of game playing here recently.
Now it's your turn. Leave me a comment and tell me your one MUST HAVE item!! Then, be sure to visit the other bloggers who are participating in the 10 in 10 blog hop!