We've been going since last August. Non. Stop.
Even our vacations were learning adventures. California. North Carolina... great memories, but planning "lessons" every bit of the way.
We did take a little trip to Disney World, but somehow when you are traveling, it's not always relaxing.
{Please don't think I am complaining... I am blessed to have these opportunities}
I've let the kids sleep in (no 7:30 a.m. alarms this week), and I get up ahead of them and sit on the porch for Bible study, coffee, and quiet time.
The bunnies, chipmunks, and birds have a regular meeting each morning in my front yard. They don't even know I'm here! I love watching everything come alive so early in the morning.
There are several home projects that need my attention around the house. Painting is going on this week. The house is getting pressure washed. The deck and driveway are going to be sparkly. I deep cleaned downstairs. There is something therapeutic about washing windows - inside and out.
A freshly painted upstairs bathroom {Sand Fossil} and Miss B's bedroom {Sparkling Waters } are long overdue.
We have been cleaning out my daughter's room. She's picked things to give away, sell, and keep. I'm taking this picture she had in her bookcase and putting it in MY room... look at my sweet *little* girl.
Speaking of my sweet girl -- we found out this week that she was accepted into a SPECTACULAR children's choral program in our area.
She will be in the Young Artists' Choir (there are three choirs total). I'm so very excited for her. She auditioned nearly a month ago. The rehearsals will be once a week, and there are almost an hour from our home. This is a BIG COMMITMENT, but I feel certain this is just one of those experiences that will shape her in a big way. If you're interested, you can listen to the Spivey Hall Children's Choirs online - it's a treat! Children singing always reduces me to tears. I imagine I will be a mess at her first concert next year.
The kids have been happy to have a break this week, too. To my delight they have drifted in and out of the piano room all day to each practice their pieces. We've been swimming laps, reading aloud, and not really sticking to a schedule.
Here are a couple of collages from our week... no fancy resources this week or fabulous learning links, just lots of "letting down" and regrouping.
1. An early morning nature walk at a local park and lake
2. The American Girl dolls in a basket ~ in cleaning out Miss B's room she has decided to keep them all in a basket in a corner of her room and pack away all of their accessories. {She's growing up!}
3. A little bit of Elemental Science this week - an experiment: "Which Weighs More? Hot Air or Cold?"
4. Lots of "friends" at the bird feeders this week - we have the same brazen chipmunk that visits each morning!
1. This was the scene every day in the backyard - GMan practicing his batting and pop flies. I am SO thankful for a big, level backyard with plenty of room to play baseball!
2. Miss B has been picking and arranging flowers a lot. These blue Hydrangeas were her favorite.
3. The Apple and the Arrow
is our current read-aloud. Notice the LEGO Kingdoms sets to match. It makes me think of Stacey's guest post this week: Empowering Children To Narrate Through Play
And, in case you missed some of the events on the blog this week:
1. Did you enter to win a copy of SWIPE (Middle Grades Fiction) from Thomas Nelson?
2. I participated in the iHN's 10 in 10 blog hop... did you read all of the great posts about our favorite online resources?
3. Are you making math fun? I shared some ideas about teaching the Metric System this week, too.
4. My daughter had her piano recital last weekend - I was such a proud mom... and this post ("Mom MADE ME Quit") was born.
How was your week? I'd love for you to join me. You don't need a formal "collage", just a collection of pictures that tell us about your homeschool week. Be sure to grab the button below, sign the linky, and then visit others on the list to offer encouragement and gain ideas.