Our latest review for TOS review crew is Kinderbach - an online piano/music instruction program. Kinderbach states:
Research clearly shows Piano is the best instrument with the most benefits to brain development.
KinderBach is a unique method of teaching very young children to actually
As a formally trained piano teacher and elementary music teacher, I agree 110%!
I also know that private piano is EXPENSIVE and not always easy to fit into a schedule. Kinderbach solves both of these problems.
Kinderbach is definitely geared for the preschool aged child. My youngest (who is seven) wasn't very interested in the program, but I think this is because he was just too old for it. He has also had a lot of piano instruction from me and much of this was a review. The music teacher in me, however, was VERY interested.
I like that this is an affordable program and you do not need a fancy piano for the online lessons. A simple keyboard and some rhythm instruments are sufficient. Children are not just learning to play piano, they are learning some music theory, singing, and lots of other little skills that are being "snuck in the back door".
In the first lessons, your child is introduced to the names of the notes on the piano keyboard. Cute characters are assigned to each key - here is my son playing D (which he easily remembered because Dodi lived there).
As the lessons progress your child is learning songs and playing quite early, something I found very impressive.
I am sorry I didn't know about this just a couple of years earlier. Yes, I have always done music and piano with my children, but this was just something fun and comprehensive. The woman who leads the lessons is pleasant and encouraging, and the characters are quite cute. The lessons are QUICK and simple - you won't worry about your children's attention wandering during a lesson.
Kinderbach also includes printable worksheets, downloadable songs, and can also be viewed on your tablet or iPad. I liked this option, because we sat with the iPad in our piano room and did several lessons.
Keep in mind, however, this is probably best for the 2-6 (maybe 7) year old child.
More details about Kinderbach:
Monthly subscriptions are available from $7.99/month. There are also DVD and CD packages from $40.95. Kinderbach has many options for delivery. I would recommend their free trial so you can determine if this would be good for your child(ren). The website is a great source of information. Watch this video to learn more.
You can also learn more from my crew mates who are also reviewing Kinderbach.
* I received a three month subscription from The Old Schoolhouse Review Crew in exchange for my honest opinion. No compensation was received.