
Weekly Homeschool Roundup - 3/13/20

These are interesting times, aren’t they?

Because of the Coronavirus, it seems that many people are being thrust into homeschooling for at least two (and I’ve heard of situations going beyond that amount of time) weeks.

I must admit that I sat back and. thanked my lucky stars for the gift of homeschooling more than once this week. Our children’s education continues as normal. We aren’t dependent upon a “school” to educate our children.

In that spirit, today’s roundup will bring you things you can use in your homeschool and also an article or two for your self-education as a homeschooling parent. No Coronavirus updates here, just business as usual.

Weekly #Homeschool Roundup at Homegrown Learners

My son has been knee-deep in a LEGO Shakespeare project for his Challenge 1 class. He is working with some friends to recreate the balcony scene from Romeo & Juliet. I’ve been so pleased with his enthusiasm, creativity, and joy for this project.

This morning, as I read aloud Rocket Boys (a fabulous book, by the way), he organized more bricks and finalized Minifigure assignments. It brought me back to the “old” days of homeschooling when we would read aloud each morning and he would happily play with his LEGO sets.

As of now, these are the main Minifig characters:

Characters for a LEGO Shakespeare Project

We don’t have to lose the wonder in our homeschool high school years. Sometimes it takes some work to cultivate that wonder, but it is SO worth it.

Ideas & News You Can Use

My prayer is peace for your family’s soul as we navigate these unprecedented times. Thank goodness for the gift of homeschool, where we can hold our children close and also have those heart-to-heart talks about their fears.

I’d love to know your plans for the next couple of weeks. Does anything change in your homeschool? How are you approaching this unique time in our world’s history with your children?

Leave me a comment below!