
Teaching Your Kids to Code

We've added something new in our homeschool this year: CODING

Learning to code is the rage right now - and rightly so.  There are so many things in our world right now that RELY on code. Anything that is run with the use of technology requires CODE, and therefore the world needs workers who know how to code.

Coding teaches our children the skills of troubleshooting and translating. It helps foster patience and logical thinking. 

Teach Your Kids To Code

But, what exactly IS coding?  

Computer programming, or coding, is a crucial skill every child should be learning. We use computer to solve problems, play games, help us work more effectively, perform repetitive tasks, store and recall information, create something new, and connect with our friends and the world. Understanding how to code puts all this power at our fingertips.
— Bryson Payne

The Resource We Are Using For Coding

We are a picky family when it comes to coding resources.

My husband is a software consultant. You could say he deals with code all day every day. It is our bread and butter. 

We KNOW the value of learning to code.

Teach Your Kids to Code, A Parent Friendly Guide to Python Programming, has been our guide to teach Grant about coding. 

This book is broken into 10 chapters. A parent and child can sit down together and easily learn about Python, the most user-friendly language for learning coding. 

Notice the overlap between coding and math - coding and logic, etc...   

When you teach your child to code - they are getting so much MORE than just a computer language!

Teaching Your Kids to Code
  • Python Basics: Get to Know Your Environment
  • Turtle Graphics: Drawing With Python
  • Numbers and Variables: Python Does the Math
  • Loops are Fun (You Can Say That Again)
  • Conditions (What If?)
  • Random Fun and Games: Go Ahead, Take a Chance!
  • Functions: There's a Name for That
  • Timers and Animation: What Would Disney Do>
  • User Interaction: Get into the Game
  • Game Programming: Coding for Fun


Some of you might be wondering if a person with NO coding experience can teach their child from this book.

The answer is a resounding YES!  

The book is designed for parents and children to learn TOGETHER. Learning to code is supposed to be low stress and fun. It encourages our children to experiment and take risks and then sit back and enjoy the results. 

When I asked Grant his favorite part about the book he said it was definitely creating his own program to create spirals!  Coming in a close second was a program he wrote to calculate the cost of pizzas.  

UDEMY Course - Teach Your Kids to Code

Bryson Payne has also created a 7 hour UDEMY course (which has received a 5 star rating, by the way), to accompany the book, Teach Your Kids to Code. 

In this course, you and your children are walked through every chapter of the book. It takes all of the information in the book to the next level and is a wonderful supplement to the book. 

If you'd like your child to learn about coding in a non-threatening, fun, and engaging way I would HIGHLY recommend Teach Your Kids to Code by Dr. Bryson Payne. This resource gets two HUGE thumbs up from our family! 

To learn even more, visit the Teach Your Kids to Code website. 


The Giveaway

I'm pleased to be offering one Teach Your Kids to Code book and UDEMY course to a lucky reader.  Simply follow the Rafflecopter widget instructions below to enter. 

Good luck! 

Teach Your Kids to Code Giveaway