
Music Appreciation for Patriotic Days

Free Music Appreciation Lesson - The Stars & Stripes Forever by John Philip Sousa: a 12 page SQUILT download

Do your children know about patriotic American music?

Are you teaching them about American history through music?

We can learn so much about history through great music, and through the lives and times of the composers who created the music. 

I've created a free download for you - to help you teach your children about the National March of the United States: The Stars & Stripes Forever by John Philip Sousa. 

This 12 page SQUILT download includes listening links, notebooking pages, and a full SQUILT lesson.  Your children will learn about The March King, the specifics of the piece, and also a little about the Piccolo. 

If you've never done a SQUILT lesson before, you are in for a treat.   

(Grab your download at the end of this post!)



A Little Bit About SQUILT

SQUILT stands for Super Quiet UnInterrupted Listening Time.

It is a method I used as an elementary music teacher many years ago. Your children listen to a piece of music QUIETLY -- and in this stillness and quiet they listen for certain elements of music - Rhythm & Tempo, Instrumentation, Dynamics, and Mood.

The SQUILT Curriculum teaches your children the grammar of music, and allows them to listen to and articulate their thoughts about beautiful music. 

Each SQUILT lesson contains everything you need - links, notebooking pages, and EVERY SINGLE THING ABOUT THE MUSIC the parent will need to know. 

SQUILT is for the non musical parent. It is for the musical parent.  It is for multiple ages. It is for the WHOLE FAMILY.

My goal is to make beautiful music accessible and understandable for children everywhere! 

Patriotic Fine Arts: Celebrate Freedom!

I'm so excited to be teaming up with my great friend, Tricia, at  Hodgepodge.

Tricia is providing the art lesson, and I'm providing the music. How fun is that? 

(Be sure to pin and share this so other homeschoolers can join in the fun!)

Patriotic Fine Arts - Celebrate Freedom with free music and art lessons

Click over to Tricia's site to receive your FREE art lesson!


Grab your  FREE SQUILT Lesson --> The Stars & Stripes Forever By John Philip Sousa! 

(And, when you download the lesson I have another surprise for you, too!)

Please enjoy a special time sharing patriotic art and music with your children!!