
How to Use Notebooking In Your Homeschool

Throughout our homeschooling journey, there has been one great constant: NOTEBOOKING.

In the beginning, we were Interest Led/Charlotte Mason homeschoolers; we notebooked.

Then, during a year where we just needed to unschool, we continued to notebook.

Now, we have settled on a Classical path; we incorporate notebooking in our days. 

Notebooking is the perfect way to inspire creativity, document learning, organize material, and learn effectively. It brings organization and REST to our homeschool days.

How to Use Notebooking In Your Homeschool

Will Notebooking WORK in My Homeschool?

I often hear people tell me their children don't like to WRITE, or that the physical act of writing is difficult. (Let your children dictate their notebooking pages, or allow them to type their pages.)

I also receive many questions from readers about the supplies you need for homeschooling.  (Really, all you need are basic school supplies and some three ring notebooks.)

Notebooking is so personal, so customizable, and allows your child to express themselves with their schoolwork.   

So, how do you know if notebooking will WORK in your homeschool?

Here are a few questions you can ask yourself. If you answer YES to many of them, then you are probably a good candidate for notebooking!

  • Do you like to document your children's learning?

  • Do you have children who like to be creative, enjoy arts and crafts, and feel the need to dig deeply into a subject?

  • Do you have children who think outside the box?

  • Do you have children who like to organize and admire FACTS and MEMORY WORK?

  • Do you prefer NOT to administer pencil and paper tests, but desire to somehow assess your children's learning?

How To Use Notebooking in Your Homeschool

Getting Started With Notebooking

Notebooking is one of those things that can sound confusing and complicated. In reality, however, it is SO simple and adds an element of predictability and peace to our homeschool days. 

This post, written by my good friend Jimmie, is your one stop for learning all about notebooking and how to get started.  If you know NOTHING about notebooking, read the post and then come back here. 


5 Ways to Use Notebooking In Your Homeschool

We've used notebooking in many ways over the years. 

Hopefully this post will give you ideas (no matter WHAT your homeschool method and learners may be) to implement easily in your homeschool this year. 




Helpful Notebooking Posts

You can notebook through all subject areas, all methods, and across all ages.

Notebooking has been that GOOD THING that has STUCK each year.  

The following posts may strike a chord with your homeschool and style:

The BEST Notebooking Resource

Throughout all of the notebooking we have done, there is one resource we have relied on consistently.

Notebooking Pages is a subscription service that allows you to download notebooking pages for virtually ANYTHING you are looking for. 

In addition to being able to download premade pages, children have the opportunity to create their OWN pages using the Notebooking Publisher App. 


Hands down, Notebooking Pages is our favorite homeschool resource. 


Notebooking Pages FREE Resource Member Program

Let me hear from you!  Do you use Notebooking in your homeschool?  Do you have plans to start this year?  Do you have questions about notebooking?

How to Use Notebooking in Your Homeschool

How to Use Notebooking In Your Homeschool