
The Best Beanbag Ever

Are you looking for a comfortable, stylish, and functional beanbag?

Our newest piece of furniture, the  CordaRoy's convertible beanbag chair, might just be for you.

We recently finished our basement. It has great family room area - but it's not huge. How we use the space is this room has been key to the functionality of the basement.

The kids use it for watching movies, entertaining friends, playing video games, and spend the nights.  It also is our overflow guest area.

When I found out I could get a COMFORTABLE beanbag that also converted into a bed, I wanted ONE! 

I cannot tell you what a great addition this beanbag has been to our basement - I tell all of my friends with kids that you NEED one of these!

*I received our CordaRoy's in exchange for this review. I do not promote products unless we use and love them in our own home. In fact, I promote very few products on this site. All opinions expressed are my own.

Why is CordaRoy's Better Than a Regular Beanbag?

I will tell you about the CordaRoy's - and you will see why it's obviously better than a plain old beanbag. 

I was a bit skeptical, but after seeing them on Shark Tank, and now owning one myself, I can tell you this is a fun and functional piece in our newly finished basement family room area! 

  • CordaRoy's are COMFORTABLE.

Even my husband and I love sitting in the CordaRoy's.  They are substantial and do not lose their shape when you plop down in them.  You can tell just by looking at it that it will be better than your average beanbag. 

A CordaRoy's is filled with a patented foam - like MEMORY FOAM! I believe this is what sets it apart in the comfort department. 

My husband and I both have bad backs, and we can sit in the CordaRoy's easily - in fact we are choosing to sit in it!

  • CordaRoy's truly convert into a BED.

Our full size CordaRoy's converts into a full size bed, and that bed is actually comfortable. It is the PERFECT solution for our basement, where we need additional sleeping space.  I wouldn't hesitate to have adults sleep on the bed, either. 

And, depending on the size of your CordaRoy's, it can convert into different sizes of beds - all the way up to a King Size bed. 

  • CordaRoy's are stylish.

I love the selection of colors and fabrics that are offered. We chose a basic tan, but there are lots of fun prints (great for kids' rooms) to choose from. 

My CordaRoy's doesn't look "beanbag-ish" -- it is obviously of a high quality and something that makes a nice addition to our new family room area. 

  • CordaRoy's are practical and versatile.

Each CordaRoy's cover comes off and is machine washable. (This is very good if you have stinky teenage boys in your house!) There are also a variety of covers so if you want to use it in a different room or decide to redecorate, simply purchase a new cover. 

We use our CordaRoy in a family room, but I know people who have used them in kids' rooms as their actual beds. I have a friend with 6 children who has two of them and uses them because space of "beds" is tight.  (In fact, my son has asked if he could put ours in his room and use it as his bed from now on!)

Converting the CordaRoy's into a bed is also EASY (more on that in a minute). It takes all of 2 minutes. 

  • CordaRoy's come with a LIFETIME GUARANTEE.

CordaRoy's customer service is second to none, and when you call their support number you actually get a HUMAN answering right away. 

The company has been in existence for 15 years and that tells me something, too. 


How a CordaRoy's Works

The best way to see how a CordaRoy's works is to watch the video below. It really is as easy as shown in the video.

I can convert the beanbag into a bed all by myself in about 5 minutes. If I have a helper it goes a bit quicker.

Simply unzip the cover, pull out the foam bed insert and roll on it (like a human rolling pin) a couple of times, and you have this bed:

As you can see, it's quite a substantial bed that fits inside the cover! 

Our basement area isn't huge, and we are trying to maximize space. This beanbag is perfect because it can be used for gaming and watching movies, and then converts to sleep 2 when friends spend the night or the kids just want to sleep in the basement.

Find Out More About CordaRoy's 

To find out more, simply visit the CordaRoy's website. 

It shows you all of the sizes, fabrics, accessories (they also have footstools and pet beds), and has quite a large section of testimonials. 

I think think you will be quite impressed.

Special Discount and FREE Shipping

CordaRoy's is offering Homegrown Learners readers a 10% discount and FREE Shipping on any order. 

Simply use the code VPSD and they will know I sent you.

 I sincerely hope you can use and love a CordaRoy's - it's the best thing I've come across in quite some time!