
How to Fight the Back to Homeschool Blues

This morning marked a BIG day for many of our friends and neighbors.

Traditional "school" began and the school buses were running at 7 a.m. Facebook pictures were being posted of cheerful children in new outfits. Parents were talking about who their child's teacher was and what a GREAT year it was going to be. 

I sat in my quiet living room this morning, confident in our decision to homeschool.

One of my children was in his bed reading a book about basketball, while my teenager was still asleep. I had a complete peace about our decision to homeschool. 

BUT... I remember when I didn't.

(This post was originally published on Homegrown Learners on August 7, 2014. It is still so very relevant today!)

How to Fight the Back to Homeschool Blues

I remember when it was hard to see everyone going to school.

It seemed that surely my children were missing something, or maybe I was doing them a disservice in some way. I longed for the days of peace and quiet when my children were away from me 8 hours each day.  (just typing that makes me sad now)

I've grown a lot since then... homeschooling really turned me upside down!

When I opened my computer later in the morning there was a message from a sweet mom asking me about back to school blues for homeschool moms.  I KNEW her question would resonate with so many readers and I felt compelled to reach out to this mom.

This is what I enjoy about this blog - being able to help moms and share in our joys and struggles! 

I desperately wanted to sit with this mom and chat with her, so I did the next best thing - record a video.


Some actionable steps you can take to fight the homeschool blues:

  • Craft a homeschool mission statement and keep it in a prominent place in your homeschool. Refer to it often.
  • Stay away from social media if it bothers you.
  • Stay in your own lane!
  • Plan a back to homeschool week of fun activities - relish in your freedom to homeschool!
  • Surround yourself with positive people - friends and family who support your decision to homeschool.
  • Seek community!

Do you ever get the back to homeschool blues? 

What do you do to combat them?