
First Week of Foundations - Collage Friday


These first weeks of school have been a huge learning curve for us.

Our relaxed, interest led days are being replaced with more structure and schedule.

I am so thankful, however, that we still have freedom to explore our interests.

Classical Conversations is such an amazing program for homeschoolers. Our first week of Foundations at home has been a joy. We have been doing daily memory work, and then supplementing as we choose in other areas of the curriculum.

With all of the material available online and our subscription to CC Connected, I'm not at a loss of things to do with Grant through the rest of the week.

Leigh Bortins has woven together everything beautiful and worthy across all ages. It's amazing to me, really. I feel that I'm getting guidance and direction I need from a true EXPERT.

Don't get me wrong - I feel I am the ultimate expert on my children's education, but I really appreciate a program and community coming alongside me, supporting me, and (most of all) delineating a worthy curriculum.

Anna  has reached a good rhythm in her schoolwork. We've needed to help her make a detailed schedule with exact times, but this is GOOD for her and she is adjusting nicely.

It's funny - I've gone from being  an extremely relaxed homeschooler to a very classical homeschooler in the span of just two years. It was a gradual transition, but it fits us well.

This holiday weekend we are sticking close to home. We have plans to attend a Braves game and I will also be FINISHING SQUILT Volume 2: Classical Era. Yay!!! (I had hoped to be done a bit sooner, but a little thing called homeschooling got in the way - ha!)

It has made me so happy to see so many people using Volume 1, and I'm hoping Volume 2 will be just as good!


First Day of Foundations

This was Grant's FIRST experience with a school setting of any kind. (He did go to preschool, but that was some time ago now). He goes to a Sunday school class each week, but he knows his teacher so well and the children are all like family. 

I think he was excited about the first day of CC, but also nervous, too.


Grant's class has 8 children his own age. Our tutor, Ms. Melissa, is so kind and caring. 

Grant seemed to hop right in and enjoy himself. He loved the geography, math, and we also did some fun science experiments outside.

Each child is asked to give a short presentation each week. I didn't think this would be any problem for Grant. He's very confident and (if you know him personally) is NOT shy. He always has MUCH to say.

When it was his turn for the presentation he stood in front of the group and started sobbing. My mama heart just broke, but then I realized this is GOOD for him. We will practice this week and he wants to get up and try it again next week. (He told me he wanted to be "perfect" and got very nervous.) 

Perfection - the curse that he has inherited from both his father AND me. Poor kid - a double whammie.


Random Collage 

We had a BUSY week. All activities are in full swing and I haven't had much time to catch my breath.

Pictures, from top left:

  • I have an awesome app, Time Hop, that lets me see what I was sharing on FB, Twitter, or Instagram on a certain date one, two, or three years ago. Look at my little G! His smile and enthusiasm have been infectious since he was tiny.
  • I cooked dinner EVERY SINGLE NIGHT this week! The key to keeping my family happy is feeding them well. One of favorite comfort foods is Paula Deen's Hashbrown Quiche. There is something I love about a quiet kitchen and time to cook a good meal. (Plan to Eat has been my lifesaver for a couple of years now, too.)
  • Anna's children's chorus kickoff was last Saturday. Oh, my friends, those children can SING. This chorus is a huge blessing in our lives - beautiful music, a caring director, and exposure to a wide variety of children from many different homeschools, private schools, and public schools is GOOD for Anna.
  • We finished Lassie Come Home and watched the movie, too. This will go down in history as one of our favorite read alouds. We did something special while reading the book that I will share in a post next week.

This Week's Favorite Resources

I'd like to start highlighting some of our favorite resources from each week.

Here goes! 


1. I start each morning with Grace for The Moment - I read it the minute I get out of bed. Later, at breakfast, the kids and I read Grace for the Moment for Kids. I love these two books.

2. Anna continues to study It Couldn't Just Happen. I'm so pleased that this book is required reading for her.

3. Grant was given a big set of K'Nex. He LOVES them. (I'm not sure he loves them as much as LEGO bricks - see my Learning With LEGO post from this week, by the way!). This week he built a K'Nex SUV that took him quite a bit of time.

4. It might be hard to see, but this is a lesson I did with Grant about pronouns from First Language Lessons, Level 3. This curriculum makes grammar FUN and the drill and repetition solidifies the concepts.

5. We have several of the Usborne Internet Linked books. This particular book, Mysteries and Marvels of Nature, got a lot of use this week, as Anna is researching fungi.

6. Crispin: The Cross of Lead is our current read aloud. It's quite good. We read aloud at lunch each day.


I can't tell you the joy it gives me to see so many of you link here each week. Then, as I visit your blogs, I see each of YOU supporting and encouraging others. We use the hashtag on Instagram and Twitter and it's really such a fun community to be a part of.

THANK YOU for making Fridays my favorite day of the blogging week!  

** Please join me for Collage Friday! Share your photo collages from your homeschool week. 

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Visit other bloggers in the link-up to gain ideas and offer support. Our community is a wonderful way to make friends, educate ourselves, and see we are not alone in our struggles!