
Give Your Child an "Anchor"


Does your child have an "anchor"?   

In an article a friend of mine shared with me, an "anchor" is defined as:

An anchor is an activity or pastime that they do deeply and consistently over a long period. Anchors help them define them and their evolving identities. Anchors teach them valuable lessons that they can apply to other aspects of their lives — especially school. Most important, anchors help them to be different.

For my 11 year old, Anna, her anchor is music.   She began piano lessons three years ago, and has loved it ever since. 

Last year she auditioned for a prominent children's chorus here in Atlanta.    

It is her personality to be apprehensive about new things, and it took a couple of months before she felt at home and enthusiastic with this new activity.

As our family and friends attended her first concert this past weekend, I thanked God for this anchor in her life.  

 She has made friends, learned invaluable musical skills, and logged many practice hours towards a goal.

I learned something this weekend.

By encouraging and gently prodding my child in an activity she is good at, her dad and I fostered a sense of accomplishment and greatness.  

It is my prayer that this sense of accomplishment will be a stepping stone in her life - a stone that will lead her to do great things which contribute to the betterment of God's kingdom.  

She was obviously proud of herself, and her friends and family were so proud of her.  

Every child needs to feel they are contributing to something beautiful, meaningful and worthwhile.   That sense of accomplishment is a gift we must strive to give our children.  

You cannot put a price on that gift, either.  


When she describers herself now she uses the word "musician".  

She plays the piano for enjoyment and is sightreading music that interests her.

Guitar lesson are in the plan for 2013.    

We need more people in our world that have anchors - more people that feel a passion and a connectedness for beautiful things.    

As I listened to the most exceptional children's chorus concert I have ever heard of course I was proud.   More than that, however, I was thankful that my daughter has the opportunity to develop her anchor.

Do your children have "anchors"?    

What are they?    

Did they choose their anchors themselves, or did you gently guide them?