
Santa, Angry Birds & A Christmas Carol ~ Collage Friday

Collage Friday

Are you getting ready for a busy holiday season?

While we are continuing with a normal school schedule in December, it is definitely more "light" .    I'm trying to allow for time for field trips, art projects, music, and games.    

We have a lot of performances, field trips, and commitments in December, and I don't want to get burned out trying to do too much.

This week was full of fun activities.  As I look back on it, though, it was also full of learning.   These are the weeks where I feel confident in throwing formal curriculum to the wind. 

I think the singular best thing about homeschool is the ability to adjust your schedule and work load based on what is going on in your life at the moment.  

Seeing Santa

While watching television last week Grant saw an advertisement for "Mingle With Kringle" in a local downtown area.   He looked at me with such excitement and said "Can we go?  Please???"    

How could I say no?   While Anna has stopped believing in Santa, for Grant the magic is still very much alive.    

We headed downtown Saturday night and Grant sat on Santa's lap and gave him his list.   

Let me tell you:  When Santa arrived in an old fashioned fire truck, Grant was so excited.   Being the sentimental soul I am, I sobbed as I watched his excitement.   My husband and Anna were poking fun of me for being so weepy, but as I looked at my husband he was teary, too.

We know our children are growing.   

When they were little everything was full of "firsts" -- now it seems that there are also a lot of "lasts".  

A Christmas Carol

One of the things on my local "bucket list" has been to see A Christmas Carol at the Alliance Theatre in Atlanta.

We went with our homeschool group this week.   This Tony Award Winning production was nothing short of spectacular.   Last year we attended a real life Dickens Village and read the book, so the kids remembered quite a bit.   

The picture above of the kids hugging a statue is in honor of my addiction to COKE ZERO. The statue is Robert Woodruff, who was president of the Coca Cola Company from 1923-1954.  The arts complex where the play was held is named for him.   So, some local history was learned.

What'll Ya Have? 

We had fun at the theatre, then went to a local favorite restaurant, The Varsity.  If you've ever been there before you know that it's a rite of passage to eat there at least once. We've been MANY times, and the kids always sucker me into going when we're downtown.

The whole experience stresses me out because it's so crowded and the ordering is more than hectic. BUT, the kids love it, so I force myself to go there a few times a year.  

{If you want to see what it's like... watch The Varsity Adventure}

Advent Odds and Ends

  1. We are preparing for Advent.   Our candles are ready and we will start Bartholomew's Passage this weekend.
  2. Free reading this week included Who Was William Shakespeare?.   We are nearly done with The Story of The World Volume 2, and Shakespeare was our most recent chpater.
  3. The one thing that has stregthened by leaps and bounds this year is Anna's math skills.   I attribute this to Saxon Math.  She did not like it at first, but now she does the lessons willingly and is proud of her SOLID math skills.
  4. Grant has been looking up every YouTube paper airplane tutorial he can find.   I think the tutorials in Spanish are the funniest.  He prides himself on the fact that he can "understand Spanish" since he successfully makes the airplanes!


Angry Birds Day

There has been an obsession with Angry Birds in our house.

Thursday morning I surprised the kids and declared it "Angry Birds Day".

We downloaded the Star Wars Angry Birds, played Angry Birds Space, and did a chalk pastel Angry Birds lesson from Hodgepodge Mom.   This was our favorite resource this week!    

It was a fun day, and I contend the kids learned just as much as they do on a structured school day.  I could list the reasons why, but if you're reading this as a homeschool mom I think you get it.

Would you believe next Friday is the ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY of Collage Friday?   

I'd love to do something special.  We have company coming for several days.   It is also Anna's first Spivey Hall Children's Chorus concert and we are SO EXCITED!    I may have to put off the celebration for the next week I think.  

Odds and Ends

  • I have LEGO Class Plans for download, along with a giveaway of a LEGO Stop Motion DVD.  
  • We have been watching Manor House on YouTube all week.  What a GREAT show!  It's been a great way to learn about the Edwardian Era in England.
  • There is a lot of music in our house right now.  We're preparing for a Christmas choral concert, a church children's play, and a piano recital.   This is probably my favorite part of the holiday season: all the music!

I'd love for you to join me for Collage Friday.  

The rules are simple:  Grab a Collage Friday button or text link to this post.  Link up your post (which should include photo collages or many photos) about your homeschool week and then be sure to visit other bloggers on the list.   This is a COMMUNITY of bloggers and we learn so much from supporting each
