
Business Cards and Baklava - The Homeschool Mother's Journal

The Homeschool Chick

In my life this week:  I'm struggling to find ways to achieve BALANCE.    I am increasingly spending more time on my blog (a good investment, in my opinion), submitting writing to outside sources, and doing reviews for The Homeschool Village and a few independent giveaways.  It's turning into a small business!  Yikes!    To that end, my friend Tracey at Little Bitty Blogs made this business card for me.  Don't you love it?  I can't wait to use these -- especially when I'm being a homeschool ambassador!  

This week was also very scary, as we spent some time Wednesday evening in our basement while the tornado sirens were blaring.   We were just fine, but I know of several people in our homeschool group who either have loved ones who lost homes, were injured, or one whose brother-in-law was killed.  My heart and prayers go out to all of the storm victims. 

In our homeschool this week:  One word:  GREECE.  We are all things Greek this week.  We had a Greek dinner at Athena's last night and the kids tried Baklava (which they loved!).  We are reading Black Ships Before Troy and I am amazed at how much they are loving this retelling of The Iliad.  I love Story of the World.  

Places we're going and people we're seeing:    Would you believe I can't remember?   Actually, I do know we had some tball games.  It's that time of year!  My daughter and I also went to a local nursing home and learned about volunteer opportunities.  We will be going to play the piano for the residents in the memory care section.  Miss B sat down and played a little for them and I had a hard time not crying as I watched her sharing her gifts.  It made the residents so happy.  

My favorite thing this week:    At our homeschool group book sale on Monday I made $50 selling books.  Woohoo!  I also picked up two Latin programs for a total of $17.  Score!

What's working/not working for us:    My youngest is starting to sit for longer periods of time during read-alouds and I have come up with a way to increase his attention span.  He sits with me and follows along - when I stop he tells me where I am (sometimes I get lost, you know!).   I make a big deal out of the fact that he always knows where we are in the book, and he has been sitting for a long time listening.

Homeschool Questions/Thoughts I Have: I'm still debating which math program to use for my oldest next year.  She is currently using Horizons and I love the rigor and mastery, but it's a lot of work on me.  I've heard so much about Teaching Textbooks, but I've also heard it runs a grade behind.  Can anyone give me any words of wisdom?

A photo to share:  Miss B, enjoying her Baklava so very much!

*Hop over to The Homeschool Chick to read other mom's journals this week!
