I am happy with where my blog is right now.... I have gotten several comments that people are using the ideas, recipes, etc... that I share. I am also starting to review at The Homeschool Village, and this gives me the opportunity to have new experiences/ideas to use with my children, as well as share these impressions with other homeschoolers. I think I've discovered the "purpose" if you will of blogging for me. I think it's finding your niche, sticking to it, and blogging with integrity - Christian integrity. I have to guard myself against blogging time eating into time where I should be serving my family, so I pray about this and ask for self control!
Mentally, I have been slowly checking out each day, as we prepare for a trip to the beach next week. We all need a break, and going to the beach and visiting with my mom and dad is always a great vacation for us. On several occasions this week I have found myself thinking "Wow, I am so blessed".
In our homeschool this week: We spent a lot of time preparing for the Homeschool Literature Fair, which was Friday. Each of my children read a book and prepared a display, as well as a hands on research project. I'm so proud of both of them - Miss B. won first place in her age group, and my little guy soared through the personal interview portion (I was a little worried about that part for him!). The Trumpet of the Swan, by EB White, was our read-aloud this week , and I think they both looked forward to this the most each day. We also continued to enjoy Story of the World, and I finally broke down and ordered the Kingfisher Encyclopedia of History - what a beautiful book! All other subjects continued as usual.
Places we're going and people we're seeing: The big event was the literature fair, and of course everyone is excited for a trip to Grandma & Grandpa's next week!
My favorite thing this week: finishing my first knitting project!
What's working/not working for us: Can I say it AGAIN? Story of the World -- something about it just clicks for both of my children.
Homeschool Questions/Thoughts I Have: I am still pondering our science curriculum, and think I have finally decided upon Apologia, but am going to wait until the used book sale in the spring!
A photo to share: My first completed knitting project.... and the picture of my little guy and I just makes me happy!
*Hop over to Hip, Homeschool Moms to read other mom's journals this week!