Sometimes a week doesn't go as planned.
Sometimes there are things from real life that get in the way of homeschooling.
Things like doctor's appointments, unexpected phone calls, and cleaning up JUNK before mom explodes!
In the midst of this, however, I believe real learning is still taking place.
I can also see that my whole philosophy of learning and homeschooling changing, largely because of a book I am reading. I no longer feel the need to schedule every single thing and make checklists and curriculum plans.
One thing we did focus on this week with both children was keyboarding. They both have done basic keyboarding, and we had the opportunity this week to review an online typing program. We also revisited Dance Mat Typing (free - and we love it!) and Typing Instructor For Kids.
They spent a lot of time at the computer, keyboarding and also using Big IQ Kids (oh how we LOVE this!) and Always IceCream (review to come soon!). I spent that time working in each of their rooms cleaning out clothes and other junk. A part of me really dislikes doing this, but I feel so good when it is done!
They spent a lot of time at the computer, keyboarding and also using Big IQ Kids (oh how we LOVE this!) and Always IceCream (review to come soon!). I spent that time working in each of their rooms cleaning out clothes and other junk. A part of me really dislikes doing this, but I feel so good when it is done!
We have been using our cash register quite a bit. At lunch a couple of days each child had a chance to be the cashier and they ordered their lunches and had to pay for them. Last year we had a candy store in our dining room - I love real world math! Yes, we also did our math workbooks, but the more we do those the more I see the importance of teaching the children real world applications. This is also why I like the Charlotte Mason Business Math series so much.
We took a trip to the library and got a lot of great books. Miss B is still reading all about horses, and GMan wanted to get books about ferrets and the food pyramid. I picked out several books about Wyoming (our state of the week) and some art books. I feel that art is lacking in our homeschool and I need to change this.

The kids each had a lot of music this week... listening to Aaron Copland and piano lessons was just part of it. They each also had swim practices and baseball games. We had co-op Thursday and stayed for an hour afterwards just to play outside with friends. The weather here has been beautiful!
I have been asking the kids to write for me daily. I get prompts online and the kids have seemed to enjoy this. One of the prompts this week was about McDonald's and how bad junk food is for you. Did you know that McDonald's distributes more toys than Toys R Us? Miss B had to write a persuasive paragraph to convince us not to eat junk food. We had some interesting discussions about this and did a lot of research online.
GMan helped me make some baked apples Friday morning in the crockpot. They were SO yummy!
We ended the week with seeing Granddaddy all of Friday afternoon and then going to Texas Roadhouse for dinner. The kids love the buckets of peanuts on the table! My husband and I had one of those moments at dinner where we felt all of our hard work really pays off. Both children ordered their dinner so nicely and used great manners the whole evening.
This weekend we have a baseball game and swim meet... it is a busy weekend. I am blessed to have healthy, happy children who enjoy their activities. And, I'm blessed to be leading this life where I can have so much time to enjoy them.
How was your week?
Linking with Kris!