My children and I have a weekly Bible verse that begins each day for us - I'm amazed at the end of the week how my children have learned it so well. Last week's verse was from 1 Peter and it was about respect. I caught my daughter quoting it to her younger brother at one point while he was not exhibiting respect. Too funny!
So, this week I'll share our verse with you. I'd like to link up to Mom's Mustard Seeds. Rebecca is starting a weekly link-up where everyone shares the verses they are memorizing. Hopefully we'll all be able to hide God's word in our hearts and draw upon it in a myriad of ways when the time arises.It is written:
"All people are like grass.
All of their glory is like the
flowers in the field.
The grass dries up. The
flowers fall to the ground.
But the word of the Lord stands forever." (Isiah 40: 6-8)
Blogger Templates"All people are like grass.
All of their glory is like the
flowers in the field.
The grass dries up. The
flowers fall to the ground.
But the word of the Lord stands forever." (Isiah 40: 6-8)
1 Peter 1: 24-25