What I am thankful for....
#201. fresh baked chocolate chip cookies
#202. a tall glass of milk to go with the cookies
#203. the innocence of children
#204. self service car washes
#205. warm towels
#206. my great new read: "Having a Mary Spirit"
#207. Butterscotch candles
#208. New fuzzy sweatpants for my little ones
#209. GOOD friends who would do just about anything for you - I have just a few and I am so grateful!
#210. Veggi Tales!
#211. seeing birds at our feeder in the morning
#212. pickles
#213. mushrooms
#214. Country Music - Garth Brooks' songs! Specifically, The Dance
#215. a child who LOVES all things math - such fun!
#216. another child who LOVES all things reading - equally as fun!
#217. my husband's employer
#218. Fall mums
#219. chocolate chocolate chip muffins
#220. handmade quilts