I had every intention to do a lovely blog post about our science lesson this morning. When I sat down at the computer, however, it felt a little hot downstairs, so I checked the thermostat. 81 downtairs. Interesting - I had put it at 77 earlier because it felt hot. After some investigating,it appears our air conditioning is broken.
I text my husband... no reply. How could he? Shouldn't this problem be his #1 problem right now? I look around.... Somehow the laundry piled up and there are three large baskets to be folded. I will fold them upstairs (because that air is working). But wait, the kids have a birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese so it will have to wait until later. Oh, and I bet the air conditioning repair places charge EXTRA on the weekends. And, the schoolroom is a wreck. And, we have a FULL weekend, with no break in sight. I think I feel a headache coming on.
As I felt my mood spiraling out of control I remember the kids. What in the world are they doing? It's so quiet . I bet they are getting into some trouble. I storm out of the computer room to look for them, and what do I find?
My two sweet children cuddled up reading a book together.
God put my two children sweetly together reading a book to give me some peace and perspective. I love it when He works like that.
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