
Our Favorite Fall Book & Activity

My children's favorite Fall/Halloween book is The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything. It's one of those books that always gets a lot of laughs, involves children DOING something through the whole book, and has a million cross-curricular connections. As I pulled the large orange tub of Fall books out of the attic last week there were literally squeals from my children as we pulled out this book. The story could be considered a little bit scary, but in the end it turns out well. I always told my Kindergarten students that in the end the fears were all in the main character's imagination, much like many of our fears can be in our imaginations. I would recommend the book for children 4-10.

Once upon a time there was a little old lady who was not afraid of anything until one windy autumn night, while walking in the woods, she hears CLOMP CLOMP.
"I'm not afraid of you," says the little old lady. But the noises keep growing. CLOMP CLOMP, WIGGLE WIGGLE, SHAKE SHAKE, CLAP CLAP....and the little old lady who was not afraid of anything has the scare of her life! But by using her head and coming up with a great idea, the little old lady finds that all turns out just right in the end.
(taken from

I always enjoy putting different instruments with the sound effects in the book. If you have a tambourine, maraca, drum, and rhythm sticks at home they are great to use. But if you just make funny body motions with the "Wiggle Wiggle" and "Shake Shake", etc... that's fun, too! I found an excellent literature guide for the story which has many easy ideas to extend the story. Click here to go to the guide.

Best of all, the story can be used for music, literature, writing, research, and science! This week I plan to do a little something with the story each day, following the guide I linked to above.

I hope you try the story and have fun with it! (It's in most libraries, and I noticed that Amazon has the book for $6.99.... and if you use it year after year, it's worth it!)

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