
Two Things That Mattered Most in Our Homeschool

Through God’s abundant grace and His leading me to the right resources, mentors, and experiences, my (now adult!) children are equipped for academic (and social) life beyond our home. My technical job as a homeschool mom is finished, and now I feel called to share things that genuinely WORKED in our homeschool.

In just a couple of months, I will have graduated both of my children from our homeschool. One of our reasons for homeschooling was to give our children an academically consistent and sound education.

My oldest graduates from our state’s liberal arts college in May. She is a recipient of a state-funded scholarship which has received all four years. My son will be attending a private university next fall - a recipient of that institution’s highest scholarship award.

This should ENCOURAGE you! Homeschoolers are well-adjusted, bright children whose parents desire the best and seek out opportunities just for them! If you’re reading this blog, you are committed to your children’s success.

Looking back, I can see how we maintained a singular focus throughout my children’s entire homeschool years. That focus was a wonderful investment of time, energy, and resources. I want to share that focus with you.

Two Things that Mattered Most in Our Homeschool

* Just a little background: Our homeschool was a mixture of Charlotte Mason and Classical methodologies. I also believed in following my children and incorporating many unit studies. When my children were younger we did a lot of interest led learning and incorporated Charlotte Mason’s philosophies liberally. As my children went into middle and high school we participated in Classical Conversations. I believe they benefitted from both approaches.

Communication: The Mastery of Language

I recently heard a great definition of communication - the mastery of language. As I thought about it, that is EXACTLY what I wanted for my children - to master language.

The statistics about students in the United States are not encouraging. Looking at data about reading and writing is discouraging.

  • According to The Literacy Project, the average American reads at a 7th-8th grade level.

  • “Only about 27% of students measure at the proficiency level from grades four through twelve when it comes to their writing skills.” (source)

When we began homeschooling, my husband was a Software Developer - he was valued in his company because he had excellent communication skills; he could walk into a client site and speak to a customer’s needs. There was a dire need for professionals who could COMMUNICATE effectively.

We knew communication had to be a focus in our homeschool. But how did we practically go about that - over 12 years of schooling?

The skill of being an effective communicator comes down to the mastery of two distinct subjects - reading and writing. As I’ve observed my children throughout their high school and college careers, I’m thankful we were led to pursue these skills above all others.

Reading in the Homeschool

  • Read aloud ALL THE TIME! I was blessed to have children who quickly learned and wanted to be read to. (In fact, my blog post Why You Shouldn’t Teach Them to Read, has generated a bit of controversy since I published it in 2016.) If your children are growing up in a literature-rich environment, most of them will learn to read independently. Reading aloud is the single best thing you can do to build competent communicators.

  • The more my children heard me reading aloud, the more they could speak well. They began to use words I used in our read-alouds. Without them knowing it, they parroted beautiful language! Over many years they became articulate young adults who have lovely conversations with you, stand up and read the scriptures in church, or offer a defense of a particular argument in a college class.

  • The more my children read aloud TO ME, the more they learned to read with emotion and clarity. My youngest is 18 and a senior - I still require him to read aloud during our Morning Time. It has proven invaluable.

Resources during the Elementary Years:

  • The Well-Trained Mind - This was the first homeschool book I read, and I credit it with getting me on the correct course. Although we would become more eclectic homeschoolers, many of the principles I learned in this book served our homeschool well.

  • First Language Lessons - quick, simple, practical lessons that are precisely what the title says - first language lessons. “First Language Lessons Level 1 uses copy work, narration, picture study, and other classical techniques to develop language ability.”

  • The Story of the World - although this is a history curriculum, it goes along nicely with First Language Lessons and exposes children to rich literature and history. My children loved the audio, which fueled a love of reading. It features Jim Weiss, the master storyteller. The more they listened to his storytelling, the more they craved. This all set the stage for an affection for beautiful things!

  • Sonlight Reading Lists - As I began to piece together activities for my young children, I knew we needed beautiful books. Sonlight provided lists of books that were from a Christian worldview and of the highest quality.

  • Ambleside Online - Again, I went to Ambleside to find reading lists!

  • Five in a Row - I loved choosing many of the FIAR books and using them for the spine of our week. We often had book dinners for our favorite books.

  • Word Journals - My oldest especially enjoyed doing this. A fancy journal, colored pens - and off she went. I asked her to creatively record words (and definitions) she didn’t know.

Writing Instruction in the Homeschool

Charlotte Mason said, “If we could believe it, composition (writing) is as natural as jumping and running to children who have been allowed the due use of books.” (Home Education p. 247)

I found this to be entirely true. When my children first started to write their own simple stories and keep their journals, their writing was very sophisticated for children their age. Why? They had been immersed in beautiful language and naturally imitated it. That being said, here are the resources we used to refine their writing:

Writing Resources in The Homeschool:

  • Writing With Ease - I used this with my oldest child during the elementary years. It had a lot of narration, copy work, and dictation. Simple and beautiful.

  • IEW - Because we were in Classical Conversations/Essentials with my youngest, writing instruction for him began in fourth grade. I watched his writing flourish during this time. (Take a look at a presentation my son gave - he wrote a paper and presented as Ronald Regan - in fourth grade. IEW is quite structured and rigorous, but if you follow the program I believe it helps children become excellent writers. This time also included intensive grammar instruction, which was invaluable!

  • The Lost Tools of Writing - Both of my children used this program in the upper levels of CC Challenge (7th-10th grade for both of them). This was the perfect follow-up to IEW - it is for students who “already have a relatively solid understanding of grammar and sentence structure and who have at least a rudimentary amount of writing experience – and, most importantly, who are ready to think for themselves.”

  • Advanced Placement Literature & Composition - 11th Grade - Both of my children took this class online through HSLDA Academy. Taking it during the 11th grade helped them work on their writing while they were also getting ready to apply to college and write essays. This was a challenging class, but I felt it was essential to have an outsider teach and critique my children's writing! (And - if their score on the AP exam was high enough, they could receive college credit.) Additionally, doing well on an AP exam gives our homeschool students a measure of credibility when colleges look at their transcripts!

Diagramming sentences is well worth the effort!

Bonus Homeschool Skill: Speaking

Another fantastic investment made was speaking/peforming in front of others.

Being in Classical Conversations ensured my children had weekly opportunities to present in front of others. When I watch them now - conversing with adults - they are articulate, organized, and maintain eye contact. They aren’t flustered when someone puts them on the spot. They can defend essential ideas.

My children like to say I “voluntold” them often for reading the lessons during church. This was wonderful practice!

One other thing: piano recitals gave my children a healthy amount of stress performing in front of others. The preparation and feeling of accomplishment surrounding competitions and recitals helped them so much!

The mastering of language was our focus throughout all of the homeschool years. Looking back, I can now see so clearly how all of the reading, writing, diagramming, presenting - and yes, sometimes prodding - paid off in spades!

I’d love to hear about any resources you have used - or any questions you might have. Leave me a comment below!

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One Simple Way to Improve Your Vocabulary

Reading for Kids (a page of resources!)

12 Favorite Books of 2022 - and a Present for You!

So many beautiful books - so little time!

As the children have grown and aged out of homeschool my reading time has increased. I haven’t set specific reading goals, but I do have guiding principles for my reading life.

If you are reading this you probably don’t have an issue with feeling guilty when you take time to read - but if you do, please know that reading enriches a homeschooling mother and sets a beautiful example for her children.

A home with books and time set aside for reading is a gift you can give your children.

12 Favorite Books of 2022

With that being said, let’s dive into my 12 favorite books of 2022.

If you’d like to see collages for each month, and a review of EVERY book I read during 2022, head over to my bookstagram page, @homegrownbookpicks.

At the end of the post, you will be able to download your own printable book bracket and bookshelf coloring pages.

Also - a tip about keeping track of favorite books: I love to write in a book journal. It’s nothing fancy, just a dot journal (This is the one I LOVE!) where I document books read each month and how many stars I give them. Favorite quotes and unfamiliar words are also included in the book journal.

As I perused my 2022 book journal it was easy to jog my memory about favorite books, and (using the book bracket printable) then even easier to determine my favorite book of the year.

12 Favorite Books of 2022

The Last Days of Night by Graham Moore

I love a good historical fiction audiobook! In this “battle to electrify America,” we enter into the world of Thomas Edison, JP Morgan, and George Westinghouse. There is so much I didn’t know - and some misconceptions I had about the invention of the lightbulb itself - which made this book extremely interesting!

This book was recommended to me by Cindy, at Thoughts From a Page podcast. She told me it was one of her all-time favorite audiobooks, and now it is one of mine, too!

West With Giraffes by Lynda Rutledge

“Part adventure, part historical saga, and part coming-of-age love story, West with Giraffes explores what it means to be changed by the grace of animals, the kindness of strangers, the passing of time, and a story told before it’s too late.”

I loved this Depression-era story and loved it even more because true events inspired it. The imagery of driving across the country with giraffes will stick with me for a LONG time. The main character, Woodrow Wilson Nickel, is one for the ages, too.

The Wedding Dress Sewing Circle by Jennifer Ryan

Jennifer Ryan is one of my favorite authors of historical fiction. She manages to find the most interesting parts of wartime history and bring them to light.

This book, about a group of women during WWII who recycle wedding dresses, was FASCINATING! Clothes rationing was something I hadn’t even thought of, but there is so much to be learned from this book.

The Dean’s Watch by Elizabeth Goudge

Elizabeth Goudge was a 20th-century English writer of fiction and children’s books. I have fallen in love with her writing during the past three years.

The Dean’s Watch is the story of an unlikely friendship between a watchmaker and the Dean of the cathedral in a small English town. Their relationship - and every character and occurrence in the book, points us to God and his never-ending grace.

Elizabeth Goudge is a balm to the soul. If you’ve never read anything by her, you must try The Dean’s Watch!

A Town Like Alice by Nevil Shute

I happily stumbled upon this book because I wanted to read a book set in Australia. What I found was a book published in 1950, and an author who is now on my TBR list.

Yes, this book is another WWII novel, but not in the typical setting - it takes place in the Malayan jungle and the Australian outback.

Jean Paget, a young English woman, is captured by the Japanese army in Malaya during WWII. She is forced on a brutal march across the country with a group of women and children. During this appalling ordeal, she befriends Joe Harman, an Australian soldier who risks his own life to help the women.

This is a story of perseverance, resilience, sacrifice, and love. The beautiful language, powerful imagery, and suspense kept me turning the pages!

The Downstairs Girl by Stacey Lee

A Young Adult selection made it into the top 12 this year! I tend to avoid celebrity book club picks (this was a Reese Witherspoon YA pick), but this one was a winner.

In The Downstairs Girl, we are transported to the Antebellum South - and to Atlanta (my home!). Here we meet Jo Kuan, a lady’s maid for the daughters of one of the wealthiest men in the South. By night she becomes a columnist (“Miss Sweetie”) in a popular newspaper who challenges popular ideas of race and gender.

I loved everything about this book! It was a true page-turner and I was cheering for Jo the entire time. The redemption of characters was particularly refreshing in this book.

The Things We Cannot Say by Kelly Rimmer

This is a story that will rip your heart out (in the very best of ways).

“In 1942, Europe remains in the relentless grip of war. Just beyond the tents of the refugee camp she calls home, a young woman speaks her wedding vows. It’s a decision that will alter her destiny…and it’s a lie that will remain buried until the next century.”

This book evoked the same feelings as The Nightingale, so be prepared for an emotional, powerful story.

I also read The Warsaw Orphan by Kelly Rimmer. You might find yourself obsessed with her writing after reading The Things We Cannot Say.

The Waiting by Cathy LaGrow

This book - read by me in 24 hours (I might have stayed up half the night crying my eyes out) - will stick with me for the rest of my life.

It is the story of a mother and daughter that were reunited after 77 years. It is a story of life, hope, and God’s faithfulness across generations.

What made this book so very special was that - through a series of “coincidences” - I found out I attend church with one of the main characters in the book, Brian. Brian came to our Homegrown Book Picks Facebook group and shared about the book. It was a moving time - with many more tears.

(If you’re not in our FB group, please join us!)

Joy in the Morning by Betty Smith

One of my favorite books of all time is A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, by Betty Smith. When I found out she had other books, I knew I needed to read them.

Joy in the Morning takes place in 1927 - starting in Brooklyn, NY and moving to the Midwest. The story is about Carl and Annie, two young newlyweds who are making their way in the world with love, hardship, humor, and poverty.

Annie is now one of my favorite literary heroines - she reminds us that we can accomplish great things where there is love!

My Cousin Rachel by Daphne du Maurier

For the month of October the book pick for my in person book club was something a little more gothic, My Cousin Rachel. I had read Rebecca and enjoyed it very much, and My Cousin Rachel now is one of my favorite in this genre!

“Orphaned at an early age, Philip Ashley is raised by his benevolent older cousin, Ambrose. Resolutely single, Ambrose delights in Philip as his heir, a man who will love his grand home as much as he does himself. But the cozy world the two construct is shattered when Ambrose sets off on a trip to Florence. There he falls in love and marries - and there he dies suddenly. In almost no time at all, the new widow - Philip's cousin Rachel - turns up in England. Despite himself, Philip is drawn to this beautiful, sophisticated, mysterious woman like a moth to the flame. And yet ...might she have had a hand in Ambrose's death?”

Ooooh - this was so good! It was also fun to watch the movie afterwards.

Fever 1793 by Laurie Halse Anderson

My daughter (now 21) will tell you this is one of her favorite books from her homeschooling days. I finally got around to reading (well, listening actually!) it and it is now one of my middle grade favorites!

Set in 1793 during the Yellow Fever outbreak, we get to know Mattie Cook, whose world is nearly destroyed by the epidemic. I think my favorite thing about this book is the strength of our female heroine, and how she goes against all conventions to fight for those she loves.

Historical fiction is one of my favorite ways to teach history, and I can see why this book is included in so many recommended book lists! I need to read Anderson’s other books.

The Kitchen Front by Jennifer Ryan

Jennifer Ryan’s books occupy two slots in my 2022 favorites list, so they must be good!

The Kitchen Front is once again a WWII story about a little thought of topic - food rationing and how it affected cooking in Britain during the war. The radio show The Kitchen Front really existed, and in this book we meet four women who participate in a cooking contest to become one of the next contributors to the radio show.

These four women couldn’t be more different, but through a series of events they come together and the outcome is spectacular!

Not only did I enjoy the story, but I also learned so much about food substitutions and the nitty gritty of food rationing. Delectable!

Maybe my list has given you some books to put on your TBR - and maybe it has inspired you to up your reading game (or continue the great reading game you already have going on!)

Please enjoy this simple download I created for you - it is the way I determined that my favorite book of the year was The Waiting and it also was the perfect way for me to look back over my 2022 reading year.

Free Download - 2022 Printable Book Bracket

Do you have a favorite book(s) from 2022?

Please share in the comments below!

12 Favorite Books of 2022