
Homeschool Moms: Are We Equipped to Handle the Hard?



I've been wondering -- am I TRULY equipped to handle the hard things of life as they come? 

For example:  homeschooling a high schooler is a joy (but it's hard!)

You know what else is hard?

Being a mom who ENJOYS her children instead of just merely educating and caring for them. 

(and while we're at it - being a Godly wife is hard, too)

Homeschooling has been the altar I have sacrificed a lot of things upon. 

And that must end.

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A Birthday, Building, Concerts & Christmas



It had been a wonderful day. 

My beautiful boy turned ten. (How did THAT happen?)

We started the day with a pancake breakfast, followed by presents, playing, lunch with a great buddy, and then spending the afternoon with said buddy! 

Grant and I were driving home to cap off the evening with roasting hot dogs by the fire pit and birthday cake, the sun had just set. It was that very peaceful time of day - my favorite time of day, actually.

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