
Our Homeschool Routine - More Than Checking Off The Boxes


For our family, a routine is key to a successful homeschool experience.

Children long to know "what comes next". They want to know their teacher (that's you, mom!) has it all under control.

I know on many days this might seem next to impossible, but with a few up front investments and training of your children, your homeschool can run somewhat efficiently, even on those days when life isn't so efficient.

Know what I mean?

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Give Your Homeschool Day the Right Start


Giving your children a predictable, happy, and faith-filled start to the day can make such a huge difference in everyone's life. 

Do you struggle with a good start to your homeschool day?

On days when we get a good start our day usually turns out well. The days where I have not been diligent about our morning routine, or slept in late myself, do not usually progress as well.

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