
The Garden Year Printable and Copywork (with added Music Appreciation!)

Slow and steady wins the race.
— The Tortoise & The Hare/Aesop's Fables

I love that quote, don’t you? It was always quite applicable to our homeschool efforts, as well.

Small things, done with diligence and over time, can yield great results.

Copywork and memorization were key components in my children’s education, especially in their younger years. One thing I WISH we had done more was memorizing long poems - poems that would stick with my children long into adulthood. (I memorized O Captain, My Captain in 6th grade and can probably still recite much of it for you!)

To that end… I have an idea for you, and I think it will work marvelously in your homeschool.

Sara Coleridge wrote the poem The Garden Year. It first appeared in her 1834 book Pretty Lessons in Verse for Good Children. Written for young readers, the poem captures the cycle of months through vivid imagery tied to seasonal changes, offering both learning and delight. Sara Coleridge, daughter of poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge, was known for her literary talents and contributions to children's literature. The Garden Year reflects her ability to blend poetic charm with instructional value, making it a staple for teaching children about the passage of time and the beauty of nature.

(You can view the entire book online at the Internet Archive.)

How to Use The Garden Year

This poem is a lovely family project. Children as young as Kindergarten and as old as high school can benefit from memorizing together.

  • Print The Garden Year packet. Put the poem printable in a prominent place so your students can always see it.

  • Memorize one stanza each month. Use the corresponding copy work for that month as well. If you have a Morning Time, recite and copy the stanza daily. (You may want to make multiple copies of the copy work, saving your child’s best sheet for their final booklet.)

  • Add a new stanza each month, repeating the previous month’s stanza(s).

  • At the end of the year, children can recite the entire poem and have a keepsake of their work!

It’s really that simple.

There will be tremendous value in memorizing and writing this beautiful poem. It’s one of those things that everyone can look back on at the end of the year with a sense of accomplishment.

Simple Music Appreciation For the Year

Because music appreciation is my thing, I have created a straightforward plan for monthly music appreciation. It includes one piece a month with a YouTube playlist.

Visit SQUILT Music Appreciation to download that addition to The Garden Year.

Give your children a poem and TWELVE pieces of great music this year!

I hope you enjoy these freebies for the New Year! I found in my years of homeschooling that less is more and simple is best, and I’ve designed these resources with that in mind.

Happy Learning!

Printable Scripture Ring for Kids

Giving children the gift of scripture is the single most important thing we can do for them. All things that happen to us in life have a scripture to go with them. I find that not only comforting but awe-inspiring.

God - through his infallible Word, the Bible - gave us advice, comfort, and peace for every situation in our lives. Sharing that with our children is a COMMAND. Do you remember how much I love my scripture ring and gifting one to friends? Right now I know a few precious little ones who are facing trying times, and I wanted to gift them a ring of scripture, too.

Printable Scripture Ring for Kids

Why Hiding Scripture in Their Hearts Matters

First, I wanted to share a convicting story with you.

My youngest child graduated from our homeschool last May. Throughout his first 18 years we filled him with scripture. When he was confirmed our church presented him with a beautiful Bible, and in that Bible my husband and I (along with other adults important in his life) highlighted verses. We signed our names by the verses so he knew who they were important to.

During my son’s first week away at college he was doing a devotion and texted me the picture above - his Bible with a verse from Zephaniah I had underlined for him. I whispered a prayer to God, thanking Him for directing my son to that devotional and verse - during a time in his life when he needed it so much.

The Lord your God is in your midst,
    a mighty one who will save;
he will rejoice over you with gladness;
    he will quiet you by his love;
he will exult over you with loud singing.

Zephaniah 3:17

(Can I tell you how much I LOVED that texted me that picture? I may have been a puddle of tears for the next hour or so. That image of God exulting over us with loud singing is beautiful. )

I also text him a verse that is important to me each day. Scripture keeps us connected and focused on TRUTH. As he is out in “the world” it arms him and protects him. This brings me comfort and peace.

Discipling our children is the most important thing we can do.

Free Printable Scripture Ring for Kids

Please enjoy this printable scripture ring (with bonus corresponding coloring sheets!) I created for you. The complimentary download includes 12 English Standard Version verse cards, corresponding coloring pages, and a few suggestions for using these with your children.

Get out your laminator and binder rings and create this simple but effective tool for your children! Please encourage them to memorize all 12 verses; you will have given them a wonderful gift!

Free Scripture Download for Kids

To download this complimentary set of cards and coloring pages, simply fill out the form below.

I’d also love to know how you embed Scripture in your child’s heart.

Do you memorize verses? Do you use a specific Bible study you love? Maybe you have a routine or tradition you’d like to share.

Leave a comment below and let me know.

Printable Scripture Ring For Kids