
Don't Be the Drill Sergeant Mom



Friends, it's hard for me to admit this:  I've lost a lot of the joy I used to feel in homeschooling.   Oh, I still believe in homeschooling as much as I ever have, but I think I've lost MY sense of wonder, fun, and enthusiasm.

Somewhere along the line all of the little "tasks" in a day have taken on such importance.  Math drills, grammar lessons, handwriting practice, piano practice, laundry left on the floor, dishes left on the coffee table, junk left in the van..... these little things have overtaken my life.  

It's exhausting.   

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Happy Birthday Miss B

Nine years ago today Miss B entered the world. She was 2 weeks early, but still clocked in at a whopping 8 lbs. 2 oz. I had always wanted a little girl.

It really is true when people tell you that time moves so quickly. Last night my husband pointed out to me that she is halfway to adulthood. Wow. I feel old. It does seem like yesterday that I bought her that first pair of "walking shoes" and she began to take her first steps.

By about the age of three we could tell that she was going to be a deep thinker, and not always wanting to go along with the crowd. Her personality is an interesting mix of my husband and I.

She has always had an "old soul" - so sensitive and concerned about others. I think that's what I love the most about her. And, I just think she's pretty cute, too!

Her favorite thing (since she was a baby) to this day is playing with dolls. I am sure she will make a wonderful mother one day.

She informed me a couple weeks ago that in two years she will technically be a "pre-teen". I told her that was not allowed.

This is the kind of girl she is - to celebrate her birthday she has invited one good friend to celebrate with her, and today decided she wanted to invite a brand new homeschooling friend, too - a little girl that has just moved here. She told me she wanted her to have some fun and not feel so lonely. This is why I love Miss B so much - her caring heart. I thank God for my sweet girl.

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