
Making Rubber Band Bracelets


Making Rubber Band Bracelets

We are officially part of the crazed masses that are making rubber band bracelets.

I bought a loom over a year ago. We all tried to make a bracelet and thought it was too hard. We got frustrated and put it away.

That loom sat in a box in the garage. I almost gave it away. 

For some reason, my son pulled the loom out a few weeks ago and he is a bracelet making fanatic. You name it. He makes it.

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Simple Lenten Cross Craft


Our Bible reading last Sunday was Luke 23: 13-43.    

This passage is the crucifixion of Jesus.   We were focusing on Simon of Cyrene, who is seized from the crowd and made to carry the cross for Jesus.

I started the class by asking one of the students to write the name of our church 1,000 times on the white board.    She obediently got up to write, and within a minute another child in the class said, "That's not fair.  I'm not doing anything and she's doing all the work!"

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