
Crying, Cooking, and More: Collage Friday


It's been two weeks since I returned from Ecuador

I'm finding myself feeling helpless and sad. I know these are normal feelings to have after a trip of this magnitude.  I think I've cried more in the past two weeks than I have in the past two years combined. 

My husband and children have been so patient with me - I think the trip affected all of us in untold ways, too. (You'll see an example of that later in this post.)

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Go Tell It On The Mountain ~ A Testimony of Faithfulness from Ecuador


Many times in our lives we are unknowingly put into situations that cause fear, and ultimately, great personal growth. 

I had a pretty good feeling going into the trip with Operation Christmas Child that there might be a few of these situations. I had an idea what the trip would look like, but it's impossible to know the details. 

You've heard the saying, "God is in the details." 

Yes, HE is. 

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