
Favorite Goodies for CC Cycle 3

By popular demand comes a post for all of my Classical Conversations friends.

I love to share what we are using on Instagram in the Facebook community - someone asked the other day if I could write a post with all of my "favorite goodies" for CC Cycle 3.

Ask and you shall receive.

Now, I am a firm believer in LESS IS MORE.  There are, however, several resources that we have collected over the years that are good to have on hand and that enhance our studies in Foundations (and really through Essentials and Challenge, too - I love how CC works like that!).

Everything on this list we have and love.  I hope it is helpful to you!

I am including games, videos, and a few miscellaneous resources in this post.

(Looking for other Cycle 3 resources, be sure to visit my Classical Conversations page!)

Favorite Goodies for CC Cycle 3

Games for Cycle 3

Everything is better when you make it a GAME --- I find that geography and math lend themselves especially well to game, but we have honestly used games in all subject areas!

Games for CC Cycle 3


Scrambled States of America - great for younger ones - learn names, capitals, nicknames, and shapes of the 50 states

10 Days in the USA - especially good as kids look towards Challenge A, but any age can play this awesome game, too

Sequence States & Capitals - another great one for learning states, capitals and locations

USA Geo BINGO -- would make a GREAT review game for Foundations time, but also great to use with a group of kids any time. Who doesn't like BINGO?

Electronic Map of the United States - a SERIOUSLY great resource that includes over 500 quizzes for your kiddos!


American History

American History Memory Game - We LOVE the card games from the Classical Historian - this memory game has gotten much use in our home

Ticket to Ride USA -- This is probably the most popular game I've heard of amongst CC folks -- if you don't have it you should get it!

Catan Histories: Settlers of Trails to Rails - another one that ranks up there with Ticket to Ride

Constitution Quest Game - comes with a free copy of the Constitution and Declaration of Independence

Professor Noggin's History of the United States Card Game -- all of the Professor Noggin card games (including the US Presidents, too) are wonderful!

Top Trumps (no this isn't about President Trump!) -- this card game is for all of your little triva buffs who want to learn facts about the presidents - very good!



Math Dice - these dice make learning all kinds of math concepts fun... we use them during morning time and also sometimes before our Saxon Math lesson to get those brains moving!

24 - My daughter's Challenge I tutor introduced us to this game -- great for playing with numbers!

Ocean Raiders Addition Board Game - this is wonderful for your younger students who are working on addition facts - the game is simple and ensures easy success and fun

Mega Fun Card Game Math - the card games in this book are quick and fun - I have learned to keep a deck of cards in my purse because it helps pass the time when we have to wait somewhere! I learned about this book at Practicum four years ago!

Head Full of Numbers - make equations with this game that REALLY gets kids thinking - a favorite in our house!


(The following are games, puzzles & other resources for science)

Melissa & Doug Magnetic Human Body - for all of the learning about the human body in weeks 1-12, this is great for your younger learners

Magic School Bus Journey Into the Human Body - we used this the last time through Cycle 3 and it was really good - it had a life size poster of the human body we put up in our school room and we also read the book that goes along

Human Body Jigsaw Puzzle - excellent for those kids that are tactile learners - my youngest has always been a puzzle guy and he LOVED this! I would love to get the 5 Senses Puzzle, too!

Periodic Table Connecting Color Tiles - I really purchased this for my Challenge B daughter at the time, but found that my Foundations age child used it a lot, too - this one will do double duty.

Periodic Table Blocks -- I must admit, we don't have these, but I have always wanted them!  They are beautiful!

Science Ninjas - Valence Card Game -- This is an excellent game for expanding on the periodic table - great for kids that want to go the extra mile!


Fine Arts

Go Fish For Modern Artists Card Game - I picked this up once on a visit to the Met in New York City... it exposes kids to many different modern artists!

Meet the Instruments -- of course I am going to recommend the resource I developed to introduce kids to the orchestra - I think it's beautiful, effective, and economical!

SQUILT Music Appreciation -- to see how my music curriculum lines up with Cycle 3, read "Using SQUILT with Classical Conversations"

Instrument BINGO - I have this and play it with my Foundations class -- a GREAT Bingo game that definitely cements the sounds of all of the instruments!

Musical Pairs Note Matching Card Game -- when children start learning note names while studying the tin whistle this game comes in very handy!

Compose Yourself Music Card Game - a more advanced game for kids with some musical knowledge

Movies for Cycle 3

(a.k.a. Momma Needs a Break! -- but these are just wonderful resources, too!)


Great American Landmarks --> available for free streaming with Amazon Prime - we loved to use these kinds of videos during lunch time!

Tour the States --> excellent resource!  Kids will memorize the capitals in no time flat

50 Nifty United States -->  we used this in my classroom when learning all of the states in alphabetical order.  We would sing it during morning time in our homeschool -- GREAT!

States and Capitals Song by Musical Stew --> very cute - shows state shapes, too


Favorite Video Resources for Classical Conversations Cycle 3

American History


Liberty's Kids --> these were watched OVER and OVER in our home!  Such a great deal for these history videos, too.   

Disney's American Legends --> we always enjoyed learned about Paul Bunyan, Johnny Appleseed, John Henry, etc...

This is America, Charlie Brown --> my son went through a Peanuts phase where he LOVED these videos!

CrashCourse US History --> these YouTube videos are very informative - be sure to watch with your children because sometimes they might slant slightly liberal, but still worth the watch

Free School -->  a great YouTube video resource - search around and you can find a lot of topics, not just history!

America Schoolhouse Rock



(Sorry -- no big goodies for math. My oldest learned her times tables with Hap Palmer's CD, Multiplication Mountain. My youngest simply learned with the Foundations CD and drill and repetition.... we don't get fancy with math and video.)


Human Body Rock n Learn - this is even helpful for your older kids (especially Challenge A) because it is for grades 4-8

The Magic School Bus Human Body -- all time favorite in our house!

How Your Body Works series from Kids Health -- these YouTube videos are a bit silly, but my kids liked that about these videos. There are many of them for all different parts/systems of the body

The Periodic Table - Crash Course Chemistry --> love this video - it provides a great overview of the entire Periodic Table


Fine Arts


Tubby the Tuba -- a classic video - with Dick van Dyke and Pearl Bailey - great for teaching kids about orchestra instruments

Let's Go to the Symphony -- YouTube video from the Nashville Symphony

Peter & The Wolf - Vancouver Symphony

Tchaikovsky Discovers America --- an audio resource, but a FANTASTIC story about Tchaikovsky -- you must listen!

Norman Rockwell - Painting America

Miscellaneous "Goodies" for Cycle 3

Notebooking Pages

Patriotic Copywork Pages -- I loved giving my children copywork in the grammar stage. It allowed us to work on handwriting and to also model beautiful writing!

US Presidents Notebooking Pages

USA Study Notebooking Pages -- we have created a 50 states notebook in the past - it took us all year, but now we have a beautiful finished product!

Pin It! Maps

These maps are GORGEOUS!   If you can invest in these maps you will make your homeschool a more rich place. I promise.

Geography Drawing Books

We have recently collected all of the Draw books -- Draw the USA is perfect for Cycle 3.  You will be amazed at how easily your children can learn to draw our country with this step by step guide.  It's perfect!

LEGO Landmarks

LEGO White House-- because we give educational gifts for Christmas, we gave my son this for Christmas the last time through Cycle 3.  He LOVED it!  Each of these also comes with a beautiful picture booklet with information about the landmark. 

LEGO Lincoln Memorial -- another gift (I think birthday!) during Cycle 3

I hope this has been helpful --- remember, in our first year of CC the MEMORY WORK WAS ENOUGH!  We enjoyed each other, read aloud a lot, and played a lot, too.  As we got more comfortable with classical education (and Classical Conversations) we began to add other resources to supplement the memory work. 

You might also like:

Classical Conversations: 10 Tips to Prevent Being Overwhelmed

5 Ways to Supplement Foundations: Simple Additions to Your Homeschooling Day

Favorite Goodies for CC Cycle 3

Create a History Notebook for CC Cycle 3

Classical Conversations Cycle 3 is just so wonderful and rich.

Have you seen our geography table and notebook?

Now it's time for the history memory work notebook and additional resources.

I have learned so much in the five years we have been in Classical Conversations: the biggest lesson was to KEEP IT SIMPLE. The memory work is enough. Make sure the grammar pieces are being memorized and provide a few low stress ways for children to expand upon the memory work if they have time.


Read TONS of good books.

(and then if you have time, read MORE good books!)

How to create a history notebook to supplement the memory work in CC Cycle 3 - book list, videos, and other suggestions included

The best way to show how we have organized for this cycle in the past (because now my children are all Foundations graduates and are moving through Challenge) is through my YouTube channel.  Please take a minute to subscribe to the channel, and check out the Classical Conversations Organization play list. 

Please note: This plan is not a substitute for participating in the weekly community meetings at Classical Conversations and following the Foundations Guide. 

Create a History Notebook

Supplies needed: 

  • 3 ring notebook (I buy in bulk!) and LOTS of page protectors

  • History Highlights (on CC Connected ) from user SchoolCorner - actually called "Printable History Highlights for C3) - a brief synopsis of each week's history memory work.

  • Reading List - suggested books to correlate with each week (please note: these are books in my library that we have read in past years... I am sure there are more extensive lists out there, but this is my personal short list. There are many great chapter books in the list (choose just a few and dive into them -- and several good pictures books and books to strew around the house to generate interest in your children).


Download the Reading List for Weeks 1-12


  • Notebooking Pages - Using my treasury membership to Notebooking Pages, I have gone through each week and printed corresponding notebooking pages. I used the search function in Notebooking Pages and found a page for nearly every week of the memory work. The few weeks that did not have a notebooking page, I simply printed blank notebooking pages (which are also in the treasury). I love the creativity and flexibility notebooking nurtures in my children!

Notebooking Pages Free Resources

Supplemental Resources for History Memory Work

In addition to my Foundations guide, we will just use a few resources to supplement the history memory work.

  • Classical Acts & Facts History Cards - There is no substitute for these beautiful cards from Classical Conversations. I keep mine in a small 3 ring binder, with each card in its own sheet protector. This is quite an investment, but well worth it in my opinion.

  • Kingfisher History Encyclopedia - I want my child to learn how to research on his own. This encyclopedia is full of accurate, beautifully presented information.

  • Good Books! (See the downloadable list above)

  • Liberty's Kids - an engaging set of history videos from PBS kids. Let's face it: sometimes we just need to know our children are learning and putting in a DVD gives us a break! We've also found that the information in these episodes STICKS!

  • America: The Story of Us - a more sophisticated set of videos that is great for older children and parents... you can order the DVD set or watch on Amazon Prime.

 Of course, I'm always on the lookout for resources -- I'm pinning just a few good ones I find. Are you following me on Pinterest?

Follow CC Cycle 3 on Pinterest.

I hope the additional YouTube video proves helpful for you. Please remember: this is simply my way of approaching the memory work. It is not the RIGHT way. I am one mom doing what works best for her child. 


Christopher Columbus: Famous Explorer (Graphic Biographies)Pedro's Journal: A Voyage with Christopher Columbus, August 3, 1492-February 14, 1493A Lion to Guard UsCaptain John Smith. . . If You Sailed on the Mayflower in 1620Squanto, Friend Of The PilgrimsThe Thanksgiving StoryPocahontas and the Strangers (Scholastic Biography)Who's That Stepping on Plymouth Rock?The Witch of Blackbird PondThe Sign of the BeaverJohnny TremainWHY DONT YOU GET A HORSE, SAM ADAMS? (PAPERBACK) 1996 PUFFINThe Matchlock GunCan't You Make Them Behave, King George?If You Lived At The Time Of The American RevolutionAnd Then What Happened, Paul Revere? (Paperstar)Where Was Patrick Henry on the 29th of May?American Adventures: True Stories from America's Past, 1770-1870Will You Sign Here, John Hancock?John Adams, Brave PatriotShh! We're Writing the ConstitutionToliver's SecretMeet George Washington (Landmark Books)Who Was George Washington?George Washington's BreakfastPhoebe the SpyLewis & Clarke ExpeditionLewis and Clark and Transportation for a New Nation (Chester the Crab's Comix With Content)The Star-Spangled Banner (Reading Rainbow Books)Sackets Harbor Powder Monkey: The War of 1812Betsy Ross: Designer of Our Flag (Childhood of Famous Americans)A Gathering of Days: A New England Girl's Journal, 1830-32To Preserve the Union: Causes and Effects of the Missouri Compromise (Cause and Effect)Who Was Harriet Tubman?Amos Fortune, Free Man (Newbery Library, Puffin)The Drinking GourdHarriet Tubman: Conductor on the Underground RailroadThe Cabin Faced WestBound for OregonLife on the Oregon Trail (Picture the Past)My America: Westward To Home: Joshua's Oregon Trail Diary, Book OneA My America: A Perfect Place: Joshua's Oregon Trail Diary, Book TwoWho Was Abraham Lincoln?Abe Lincoln Grows UpAcross Five AprilsWhat Was the Battle of Gettysburg?Who Was Ulysses S. Grant?Who Was Robert E. Lee?Shades of Gray


Tell me your approach to the history memory work.

I love that, as CC parents, we can all learn from each other. 


Create a History Notebook for CC Cycle 3:  Readings and additional resources for weeks 1-12