
11th Grade Homeschool Update

Here we are - just 18 months from graduating our youngest child.

When I put it in those terms it makes me sad this journey is almost over and also immensely proud of this accomplishment. Homeschooling was never something I set out to do and to find ourselves at this point really does amaze me.

High School really is the time when you can watch everything come together - when you begin to see the fruits of your labor. It is also a time for more exploration into interests, independence, and character development. Please don’t be daunted by the prospect of homeschooling through high school. I’ve truly found myself in partnership with my child - in the role of the coach more than a teacher.

This 11th-grade year has been one of huge growth and decision-making for our family. And, it’s been a time where I feel an intense need to soak up every single moment!

11th Grade Homeschool Update

You might remember that we had been on a trajectory to finish the Classical Conversations Challenge program with my son. Last spring that all changed, and we had to make new plans. I needed to piece together Grant’s junior year.

Now that we are midway through that year, I’d like to update you on how it’s all going:


Excelsior Classes has been a great resource for our family for the past two years. Last year Grant took an Intro. to Architecture elective class with Excelsior, and this year he is taking more electives (see below) and also Chemistry.

I was curious about Chemistry would go in an online environment, and it’s been SUPER simple. Sometimes the students do in-class experiments together, and other times they will have a lab assignment on their own.

(I’m not going to lie - Chemistry labs sounded daunting to me, so my husband does these with Grant.)

Grant is thriving in this class. He is learning how to receive instruction from a teacher in an online classroom environment, and he’s learning all those good skills like emailing your teacher, fixing technical problems, and checking your syllabus!

(Because I have another child in college, I know just how useful these skills will be.)

And, I think he’s doing very well with his tests and assignments. All in all, I am very pleased.

(You can see from the picture how Grant has his own little LEGO lair - somehow he squeezes the laptop in and takes online classes!)

11th Grade Homeschool Update

Language & Composition

Writing is a priority in our homeschool. No matter how good our technical/math/computer skills are, we need competent communicators! After the excellent writing instruction in Classical Conversations Essentials and Challenge programs, I sought a rigorous writing class for Grant.

AP Language and Composition - with HSLDA Academy - has been a valuable class for BOTH of my children. This class is truly challenging Grant, and he’s working hard on literary devices, composition, and analysis. He finished a large research paper at the end of the first semester. I was 100% hands-off with this and he did very well!

One of the texts they use is The Great Tradition, and many times I will read assignments aloud with Grant so we can learn from them together.

If Grant chooses to apply to college, this class is great preparation for writing essays, etc… Even if he doesn’t choose college, the writing and communication skills are invaluable.


Ah, math with Mr. D! It’s great to watch Grant thrive and enjoy math with Mr. D just as much as my daughter Anna did.

Math is truly something I have nothing to do with this year - other than checking in with Grant about his grades every few weeks. And, the comment I consistently get from Grant is:

I don’t know why other math programs make things so hard. Math with Mr. D just makes SENSE - and it’s easy!

I used to think that Mr. D Math was best suited for kids who weren’t “math kids” - but Grant is definitely a math kid, and he’s engaged and thriving with Mr. D.

Check out my post out Mr. D Math here.

American History

We made some changes in this area early on last fall. I had planned to use Compass Classroom’s American History course but quickly discovered that Grant was going to be overwhelmed if we did this.

So (and this is one of the big benefits of homeschooling), we decided to make changes and I LOVE the way it worked out.

The answer here was Morning Time! Our Morning Time is a combination of devotion, current events with World Watch News, and read-alouds that go along with American History.

(I wrote a big post about Morning Time with High Schoolers - you may want to read that!)

Recently we’ve been delving into The Civil War, so after reading Across Five Aprils aloud during Morning Time, we committed to watching Ken Burns’ Civil War series. I downloaded viewing questions from Teachers Pay Teachers - which keep Grant engaged while watching - and it’s been interesting for all of us.

Morning Time is a beautiful way to begin each day; it allows my husband and I to stay connected with Grant, and to learn American History as a family. In my opinion, it has been the biggest blessing of this 11th-grade year.

Other books read aloud during our first semester:

While we aren’t learning American History in a linear fashion, we are reading what interests us, then discussing and finding supporting documentaries. This kind of interest-based learning is effective in my own life, and I want Grant to carry on these interests in his adult life as well.

Photoshop/Visual Arts Design

Excelsior Classes offers EXCELLENT elective classes (1-semester courses) for high schoolers!

Last semester Grant took Intro to Photoshop, and this semester he will be taking Visual Design. These classes are a great way for him to explore his interest in design. I love it that he learns from a professional. I also love it that he has fun in these classes and they aren’t seen as work - he truly enjoys them.

Piano Performance/Theory

Yes, I am the mean mom that requires piano practice every day!

Music is just something that I’ve required of my children. They each can play piano very well and have a solid understanding of music theory.

Grant takes piano lessons and participates in festivals and competitions. This spring he will be taking part in the Federation of Music Clubs Festival - and he will doing piano solo AND piano duets! He’s working with a friend of his (from his Classical Conversations days!) and the two of them will compete together in the duet category.

What made my heart swell last year was Grant starting to play pieces that he really enjoyed - Ghostbusters, Theme from Ninjago, Super Mario Brothers - in addition to his classical repertoire his teacher arranges these other pieces for Grant. We’re at the point now where he will just sit down and the piano and start playing things by ear for fun.

(Hooray - my job here is done!)

He got to play for the local LEGO Masters finale (more on that in the next section!) - super fun!


This has truly been a game-changer for Grant. Last March he began his job at The Atlanta Brick Co. - a local retailer of LEGO.

A job here has only fueled his LEGO obsession! It has also given him a great group of friends and excellent small business experience. I love that he gets to watch small business owners.

Additionally, a fun benefit was that the winners of LEGO Masters Season Two are employed at the store, and we have all gotten to know Mark and Steven well. Oh - they were homeschooled! It’s just made for a fun year for Grant, with memories he will always carry with him.

I’ve had fun learning about Mark & Steven, too - and they were gracious enough to sit down with me and contribute to the blog:

LEGO Building & Organization Tips with Mark & Steven

Homeschooling and LEGO: A Conversation with Mark & Steven Erickson


Basketball is Grant’s other obsession. He plays for a local Christian school that actually has quite a few homeschoolers on its team.

11th Grade Homeschool Update

We were having a discussion with another team dad the other night and he said this “The purpose of youth sports isn’t to create superstars, it is to create good employees.”. I really like that, don’t you? We’re not concerned so much about the basketball skills as we are about working on a team, respecting authority, and showing good sportsmanship.

I also appreciate that it is another group of friends for him and a much-needed physical outlet!

In addition to all of these “school” things, we have a family life - which includes church and spending time together. Because the school things are flexible, we can give the highest importance to our faith and family - another huge benefit of homeschool!

As we move into 2022 I know we need to get this boy signed up to take the SAT and ACT. He needs to start thinking about what the future holds.

We’ve visited a couple of colleges, but honestly, I think he’s more enjoying this current year instead of thinking ahead, and I’m ok with that. There will be plenty of time next year to think about those things, and I know from doing this before that all will be well.

The events of the past couple of years have relaxed me - taught me to savor the time with the kids and not be so eager to have them fly the coop for college. I’m trusting God with his future - just as I have for our homeschool years.

Feel free to ask any questions or share any comments below.

I’m always happy to share about our journey - in hopes that it can encourage others.

11th Grade Homeschool Update

Mid Year Homeschool Update

As my children age, I blog about them less.

The reasons for this are two-fold: older children don't take quite as kindly to having their lives written about on their mother's blog, and the days of cute activities (that are fun for their mother to blog about) are diminishing rapidly.

Last year my daughter and I felt we had lost the WONDER in homeschool. She wasn't happy in her schooling and I had a persistent, nagging feeling  I had sold out on her interest led learning bent. We left Classical Conversations after Challenge II and decided to forge our own path. 

My son, however, after completing four years of Foundations and three years of Essentials, was ready and excited to continue into Challenge A. 

The biggest lessons I have learned are these: we MUST listen to our homeschool mom hearts. We MUST listen to our high school children. Never forget why you began homeschooling, and never let a method or a program become an idol.

Mid Year Homeschool Update - 11th and 7th Grades

A Personal Update 

As my children have grown, my life circumstances have changed. I guess this is the cycle of life. Sometimes I long for the days of having littles curled up on the couch with a read aloud - but then I also appreciate being able to send them both to activities now with my oldest driving and me being able to STAY HOME!  

Life is funny.

My life has changed a lot in the past year. My children have made huge emotional and educational leaps. I know have two teens in the house. One of them is driving. 

My mom passed away last summer and now I am in the midst of helping care for my dad. I've had to be gentle with myself as I grieve my mom - she was my best friend and biggest supporter and there is a huge hole in my life without her.  My family is grieving, too. We've had a lot of tears, laughs, and good memories. 

My music appreciation business is growing by leaps and bounds and I'm working nearly 30 hours a week. The SQUILT LIVE! lesson academy has given me something to sink my teeth into - and hopefully this is something I can continue to sink my teeth into when my children are grown and gone.

My husband and I are actively involved in building a new church. He's been the president of our church this year, and this takes up a lot of our family time. 

God so graciously brought me to a place this year where my children are more independent and their schooling fits with our life perfectly. I have time to help them, but time to focus on other demands in my life as well. 

Homeschooling doesn't take up time, it gives us time. It gives us the freedom and flexibility to meet life's demands and to rest easy knowing WE are educating our children.


11th Grade Homeschool Update

Our goal this year is to allow Anna to spend more time doing things she loves and to make her last years at home enjoyable and NOT tedious. 

My largest difficulty with the Classical Conversations Challenge was the ambiguity when it came to feedback from the tutor. The tutor was NOT the teacher, and in our home that did not work well. My child needed a TEACHER - an authority on a specific subject to give her feedback and GRADES. This is what motivates my child - other children may not need that motivation, but for us it was key.

The Challenge program may work splendidly for some children, but my oldest isn't one of them.

It is also my personal feeling that subjects like Latin and Chemistry (just two examples) need a skilled expert to teach them. Yes, my child can learn from a book on her own and also through discussions in a group, but her learning style is one where she needed motivation and accountability from a teacher.

(Again, my opinion - everyone is different.)

I am thankful for the many valuable skills Anna learned in the Challenge program - public speaking, integration of subjects, placing God into EVERYTHING, and personal ownership of her education. Our time in Challenge served its place and I think stepping out when we did was wise.

11th Grade Curriculum:

Pre-Calculus  - Mr. D Math  (oh how we love Mr. D and his class format!)

AP English Language & Composition - HSLDA Academy

AP European History - Memoria Press Academy

Chemistry - local Classical School

Piano, Ukulele, & Guitar - private & group lessons

Volunteer Work - Special Needs ministry through our church

P.E. - YMCA gym membership

Anna has also been babysitting A LOT - she loves children and wants to work with them someday, so I feel this has been a great investment in her education.

11th grade homeschool update 


Another beautiful addition to Anna's year has been a BIble study with a dear friend of mine who mentors high school girls. She has been using the book GraceLaced: Discovering Timeless Truths Through Seasons of the Heart to guide the girls through so many beautiful activities. Anna has been learning calligraphy, is being encouraged in the "ancient" practice of letter writing, and is just being encouraged on so many levels.

More and more I'm witnessing Anna taking time to be creative, and I believe letting her have control of her schedule and allowing her to branch out this year is allowing that to happen. 

11th grade is a BIG YEAR, and I wanted it to be rigorous enough, yet allow space and time for my precious girl to develop at her own pace. 

We are thankful for the freedom homeschool provides, especially in the high school years!

Oh, and we've been making some college visits, too - I'll keep you updated on that as it unfolds. I will tell you this: it's not as hard as I thought it was going to be to get a homeschooler into college! 

Mid Year Homeschool Update - 11th Grade


7th Grade (Challenge A) Homeschool Update

One word sums up Challenge A so far.


From the first day of Challenge A I knew this was going to be a spectacular year. 

My son's group has 11 children who are highly motivated and encourage each other on a weekly basis. These children are the closest of friends, and our families have now grown close as well. We also have a tutor who loves and encourages the children. She is committed to learning and excellence, and is also a good disciplinarian. 

I've seen the motto of Challenge A, Personal Investment Builds Ownership, develop in each of the children in the past 15 weeks. 

Our kids like to have fun, too - here they are at a recent English Country Dance practice and bonfire:

Mid Year Homeschool Update: Homegrown Learners

We've followed the Challenge A curriculum exactly. It is such a rich year, packed with A LOT of hard work and knowledge. 

A few observations I have now that we are halfway through the year:

  • The Latin presented in Foundations is ENOUGH to prepare a child to do well in Challenge.
  • The Geography knowledge is incredible - and SO valuable.
  • I can see my son beginning to organize his thoughts logically because of using The Lost Tools of Writing
  • It is important to let your child fail a time or two - this is the only way they learn!
  • A parent needs to be engaged! I've gotten an Audible subscription and listened to the literature books so I can discuss them with Grant. I've also tried to keep up with Latin.
  • It is still important to let these kids be KIDS - I try to make time and space for my son to play LEGOS, play outside, draw, and do other things he loves. The work in Challenge could easily become an idol, and I'm trying to teach him to not let that happen. 


Mid Year Homeschool Update - 7th Grade

On another note -- I think my son has grown nearly a foot this year. He is now the GIANT of his class and almost as tall as his dad (6 feet). I still give him hugs liberally each day, even though I have to stand on my tip toes to do it! 

Our new puppy, Lucky, has also been a great addition to our homeschool! 


All in all, I'm very pleased with this year. Homeschooling changes a lot when your children are older, and I am thankful for the abundant resources available to us both online and in person to help us educate our children in a manner that is appropriate for our own family.

THAT is a blessing. 


I welcome any questions you have about our homeschool. Leave them in the comments below - it is my great joy to get to know readers and to encourage others with our experiences homeschooling!