I have been amply blessed in this department.
My own mother (who had me after she already had been a mother for 13 years) is the person who inspired me to be a mom. She is all those things you think of when the term "super mom" is thrown out there.
As I matured into an adult, I remember her supporting me in my every decision, even those I knew she didn't agree with. She taught me how to care for my children when they were newborns, and came to my rescue a few times when I just needed that extra help only a mother can give.
I know I am blessed beyond measure to have a mother like mine.
My GMan is a lovable nut. I adore this little boy. This is my child who had me on bed rest during pregnancy and was born 6 weeks early. I don't think I've ever gotten over the fact that I missed several months of his early life due to postpartum depression ~ but my own mother helped see my family through that dark time.
My husband lost his own mother eight years ago to cancer. She was a mom who taught her son to love his wife and children. She never got the chance to meet my youngest and barely knew my oldest. Tomorrow will be a hard day for my father-in-law, sister-in-laws, and husband.
There is a mother in our community tomorrow that needs your fervent prayers. She lost her beautiful six year old daughter in a tragic accident just over three months ago.
My heart aches for her. Please pray for this mother... a homeschooling mother just like me who lost her youngest child too soon.
Whatever your circumstance, I pray peace for you.
If you have a mother, I pray you will love and cherish her.
If your mother is gone, I pray you have some quiet time to reflect on good memories of her.
If you are a mother, I pray you take time to just enjoy your children.
And, if you are suffering from the loss of a child, I pray that God grants you peace.
I plan on simply enjoying my children on Mother's Day {and every day, really}... savoring the homemade cards, cookies, and hugs and kisses. I have been blessed, and I am thankful.